Breakfast: We should have been home by now. Being away for over nine weeks and having finished launching a production of Fiddler on the Roof we are somewhat disoriented. This often happens after a show, when you have focused so hard on it, spent many long hours and then, it’s over. What to do? Get some exercise! We decided we would go on a big long walk. But first we had to visit with Gary’s dad and do some shopping for him. Before we left, I finished the remaining Red Lentils with Smoky Paprika, Garlic and Lemon Juice.
Lunch: We met Gary’s sister, brother-in-law and dad at Khanh’s. We all shared a pile of Tofu Rolls and Jasmine Tea.
Finally we got to enjoy the gorgeous California sunshine and walk. We walked from Monte Sereno to downtown Los Gatos, over to the Los Gatos Creek trail up to the Lexington Reservoir and back. It’s about 7.2 miles, a beautiful and challenging walk. I love the smell of the herbs and wildflowers along the trail. It’s great breathing!
Dinner: When we got back to the pool house I wanted to pack. We were leaving tomorrow. Then I made a meal from what was left: Garlicky Kale with creamy Arugula Pesto and Corn/Quinoa Pasta. I served it with Organic Pinkus Hefe-Weizen. Gary wasn’t feeling up to all the garlic. He had Oatmeal instead.
Evening: Gary’s cousin gave us a huge bag of oranges and lemons to take home. I don’t know how we can fit them in our luggage. I ate two of them for dessert. They are so good.