What Vegans Eat – Day 900


Breakfast: Eat when you are hungry! I often wake up feeling thirsty but not hungry. I start the day slowly, sipping tea. I made a pot of Green Bancha. Sipping the tea slowly in the morning, without eating anything at the same time I notice its nutty sweetness.
Lunch: This is a one photo post. We are sticking with the burrito theme that we had yesterday, changing up some of the filings. Today’s Burrito had Chopped Fresh Tomatoes, Baked Tofu, Diced Baked Fries, Corn with Pinto Beans and Ezekiel Whole Grain Tortillas.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots
Dinner: Lunch was so good we repeated it for dinner, finishing up what remained.
Evening: I made Brown Sugar Cinnamon Biscuits last Sunday and I’ve been nibbling on one or two a day. They’ll be gone tomorrow. I had one this evening.

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