Breakfast: You can’t tell by looking at it, but this is a bowl of Breakfast Polenta. Some folks call them grits. The polenta is hidden, covered up with Dried Apricots, Fresh Strawberries, Cacao Nibs and Cashew Yogurt.
Lunch: Gary missed breakfast. He had an acting class. When he got home there was plenty of Polenta, now firmed up and ready to be baked into Polenta Fries. I defrosted the Carrot Lentil Soup that I had made last week and had frozen and Gary souped it up by blending in some fresh tomatoes, corn and leftover pinto bean plop from our burrito fest.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots
Dinner: We are out of fresh food! How does this happen? I am proud to say we eat all of the produce we buy. Nothing goes bad and nothing goes to waste. I’ve put in an order with but that won’t arrive until Tuesday and it’s Sunday. Fortunately we have some saved goodies in the freezer – FieldRoast Sausages and Frozen Spinach. We cooked a pot of Barley to go with it.
Evening: I did it. I finished the last Brown Sugar Cinnamon Biscuit. I first made this recipe four years ago and never forgot it. Now, finishing up this second batch, it is still a recipe I am proud of. It’s a treat, so I may not make it again for a few years. It’s slightly sweet, with a strong cinnamon flavor and chewy texture that goes great with tea. Until next time…