Breakfast: We were not hungry in the morning. I sipped on Bai Mu Dan White Tea all morning long.
Lunch: A spectacular stew came together quickly with Black Beans, Corn, Tomatoes, Red Onions served on top of precooked whole grains: Millet, Brown Rice and Red Rice. I like to cook up a pot of dried mushrooms every week. I ordered big bags a while back from Fungus Amongus. This time I made the Porcini mushrooms. I topped my stew with some of the mushrooms.
We took seconds, served on top of a Baked Potato, with yesterday’s cooked Kale and Red Onions were served on the side.
Dinner: We made big Kale Salads with Tomatoes, Black Wrinkled Olives, Cooked Grains and Carrots. I took out my old Spiralizer to make the ribbons of Carrots, but it didn’t work as well as it used to. But I managed to make enough to decorate each salad.
I want to start vegan diet… What should I eat???
Start by reading this blog. You can see over 900 days of REAL vegan eating, many meals have recipes.