What Vegans Eat – Travel Edition: RAPALLO, Day 12


September 28
Rapallo, Italy
It’s a good day to relax. We got up late. I ordered some hot tea to have in the room. We got up to go for a stroll. I needed some kind of skin moisturizer. Not an easy thing to find in this small, Italian town. We stopped by La Farmacia. Fortunately, everyone seems to speak English! I explained I wanted something with a few simple ingredients, and vegan. The pharmacist looked puzzled for a moment but then offered a bottle of almond oil. Perfetto! Remember you don’t want to put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat! We bought it and then went to our favorite cafe in Rapallo, El Dolz. They only have outdoor seating and it feels good to be in the fresh air.
They do the perfect tea service, with bulk tea, brewed in individual pots, with individual timers. Why do I love this so much?
Tea Service
They also have vegan options. We got the Acai Bowls with Granola.
Breakfast at El Dolz
We stopped at a little store to pick up some fresh fruit and salad to have in the hotel room. Mm, plums.
Gary wanted to rest up in bed. This worked out well for me because I needed to record an audition. To explain – since COVID began the theaters closed and live entertainment like musicals and operas disappeared for a while. When they started up again, those of us who wanted to audition for parts needed to record auditions. Live, in-person auditions have been rare these last few years. There is also little notice given to prepare for an audition and film it before the deadline to submit it. I saw a notice for an audition I was interested in. Looking for some blank wall space for a background, I decided the bathroom would work the best. I was able to set my phone on the towel heater and record standing in front of it. Recording in a bathroom creates a lot of reverb! I recorded the audition, edited it and sent it off. Will I ever be able to go on a vacation and not do any work?
For dinner we prepared salads in the room from bags of greens bought at a local market. Afterwards Gary was feeling a little nauseous. Was it something we ate? I felt fine. Exhaustion? Hopefully he’ll feel better tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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