Barbara J. King and Casey T. Taft


PART I: Barbara J. King, Personalities on the Plate: The Lives & Minds of Animals We Eat
BarbaraJKingBarbara J. King is emerita professor of anthropology at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, and now is a full-time freelance science writer.

Barbara has written or edited many books on anthropology and animal behavior. Her latest, just published in March, is Personalities on the Plate: The Lives and Minds of Animals We Eat. Her How Animals Grieve from 2013 has been translated into Japanese, Portuguese, French (winning a book prize), and Hebrew.

King’s essay on animal mourning in Scientific American was chosen for inclusion in The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014. She blogs each week for National Public Radio’s 13.7 Cosmos and Culture blog,and writes regularly about books for the TLS. Barbara is active on twitter @bjkingape.

PART II: Casey Taft, Millennial Vegan
casey-taftDr. Casey T. Taft is Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and an internationally recognized researcher in the area of family violence prevention. Dr. Taft has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles, chaired an American Psychological Association task force on trauma, and consulted with the United Nations on preventing violence and abuse globally. He has recently published two other books, Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy: A Clinical Psychology Perspective and Trauma-Informed Treatment and of Intimate Partner Violence. Dr. Taft is cofounder of Vegan Publishers and a dedicated vegan.

Since 2009, It’s All About Food, has been bringing you the best in up-to-date news regarding food and our food system. Hosted by Caryn Hartglass, a vegan since 1988, the program includes in-depth interviews with medical doctors; nutritionists; dietitians; cook book authors; athletes; environmental, animals and health activists; farmers; food manufacturers; lawyers; food scientists and more. Learn about how we can solve many of the world’s problems today and do it deliciously, here on It’s All About Food.

Transcription Part I:

Caryn Hartglass: Hey everybody, I’m Caryn Hartglass and thank you for joining me today on It’s All About Food, so I’m just juggling here because my Wi-Fi just went out. How is that? Thankfully I have many different methods of technology here. Oh, the little green light is flashing. Anyway I have my phone. My phone works, it’s all good. Lots to be thankful for like phones and Wi-Fi and options. Thank you for joining me today on It’s All About Food. You may know that just a few days ago was Earth day; April 22 and my birthday and I’m grateful to all of you who sent me some very nice wishes. I want to direct you if you have the opportunity to my website to my daily blog What Vegan’s Eat. I did a special one and on my birthday; day 802. Hope you check that out. Yes, now let’s go. I want to bring on my first guest Barbara J. King. She is emerita professor of Anthropology at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia and now is a full-time freelance science writer. Barbara has written or edited many books in Anthropology and animal behavior. Her latest just published in March is Personalities on the Plate: The Lives and Minds of Animals we Eat. Her How Animals Grieve from 2013 has been translated into Japanese, Portuguese, French winning a book prize and Hebrew. King’s essay on “Animal Mourning” in Scientific American was chosen for inclusion in the best American Science and Nature Writing 2014, she blogs each week for National Public Radio’s 13.7 Cosmos and Culture blog. Welcome to It’s All About Food Barbara!

Barbara J. King: Hi! Caryn I have been so looking forward to talking with you.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes and so have I and I’m just trying to stay calm right now as I’m juggling with my technical challenges here. Fortunately I hear you, you hear me; everybody hears everybody? Yes? Are you there?

Barbara J. King: Yes I can hear clicking noises but I can still hear you.

Caryn Hartglass: Okay good. All right, well as I try and bring my computer back to life, let’s just move forward, so I really enjoyed reading your book Personalities on the Plate and the thing that I find so important as I like to think we are evolving as humans is that we are able to view other species of life in a different way then perhaps we have perceived them all this time. I know as a performing artist for example an actor we always try to empathize with the role that we’re in, the character we are playing and that’s difficult enough but to try and understand what other species are experiencing and feeling is, I don’t even know if we can do that. But your stories in your book are helping us have a much better understanding. So one of the things is the patience I imagine that’s required in observing so that you can write about other species. Is that true?

Barbara J. King: Oh yes! I think that watching animals carefully does take time and focus but what a joy to do as we look at animals in the wild and anywhere from the oceans to national parks to our backyards and my work combines some observations that I’ve done in the past on our closest living relatives like monkeys and apes with reliance on what a lot of other people have experienced and I’m always saying that I’m not of course trying to figure out what other animals are thinking but that they’re giving us lots of clues through their behavior to how smart they are and the fact they’re leading in many cases profoundly emotional lives and if we get to know animals and really watch them as closely as we can in their natural context. I think it becomes an amazingly wonderful experience to see how much intelligence and how much emotion we really do share with other animals.

Caryn Hartglass: Well that’s such a telling point because how is it that rather than seeing all of these other species as somewhat similar to us because we share so much in common we’ve decided that they’re so different.

Barbara J. King: Well, that is really the question and what I say in my new writing is that I think we have trained ourselves to…and I mean “we” in a qualified way; you will understand that. Many of us have trained ourselves to be fascinated by elephant cognition and how smart dogs are and how chimpanzees feel but when it comes to farmed animals the wall goes up, the distance goes up and we don’t want to know and of course I’m excluding your audience from this. I’m talking about most people. Most people don’t want to grapple with the fact that animals that many people eat are living their lives with true reflection in many cases. The ability to think things through certainly a strong desire to want to live and strong bonds of love and grief so it’s generally a question of why don’t we want to see animals in a certain way but even more specifically it’s the animals we do choose to engage with in that way and those we don’t.

Caryn Hartglass: It is indeed complicated so let’s jump to the first topic you cover in your book; insects and arachnids and I definitely get the “ick” factor when thinking about eating insects and you talk throughout the book about what different cultures accept as food and what others may find is not appealing as food. It has a lot to do with how we’ve been brought up but I knew this but it became more apparent when I was reading your book about the quantity insects we consume without even realizing it.

Barbara J. King: Yes, that’s right and I think there are these fascinating equations published. Eat a jar of peanut butter, eat a chocolate bar and you’re consuming so many insects and perhaps that’s just inevitable in our current food system but of course entomophagy is something very different. The purposeful eating of insects and this I think raises a number of really fascinating ethical questions; is it the case that eating insects might in fact save some mammals from being consumed and produced and agriculture being consumed or do we really want to and I think the latter is the case. Also, start thinking about the ethics of consuming these living creatures as well. If we think for how long the world was convinced that fish don’t feel pain and now of course we know they do. We don’t want to take it at face value that insects don’t feel pain.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes.

Barbara J. King: I want to walk that line. I don’t want to dismiss entomophagy by any means in terms of an ethical system but at the same time I don’t want to repeat mistakes of the past where you hear very frequently, “well insects don’t need a lot of space; we can easily and humanely kill them.” Well what does that remind you of; what conversation does that remind you of? The whole question of humane meat and humane killing and what we should take as face value so there are a lot of sides to entomophagy to consider.

Caryn Hartglass: Well this concept of saying certain beings don’t feel pain as you just mentioned, I even think about when we talk about circumcision of a human baby boy. There were many who said that the baby didn’t feel pain and now there are more people who believe circumcision is necessary some will do it with anesthesia. We know those babies feel pain. There are so many things that we just choose not to want to think about or not to want to see. I have to believe that with insects. Ok, they’re small but so are microchips and we continue to figure out how to squeeze so much more complicated information into a smaller space on a chip. What makes us think that these tiny insects don’t have some complicated thought processes going on, maybe not the same as ours but they certainly do some incredible things, I’m sure you’ve seen those pictures of the ant farm art. Have you seen those pictures of the guy that does the sculptures in anthills?

Barbara J. King: I did, I haven’t spent time with them but I do know what you’re referring to.

Caryn Hartglass: They’re horrifying! To begin with in order to make that art the artist had to destroy so many ants because he poured all this, whatever the material he was using into the anthill. But then we get to see what’s really going on underground and it’s just fascinating how they know how to construct their home.

Barbara J. King: Yes and quite recently there was a very fascinating study if you knew from my book certainly to show that bees are capable of very thoughtful imitation in ways that have been long thought to just be something birds or maybe monkeys and apes do. So if you ask bees to roll a ball, something that they obviously would never do naturally to a target in order to receive sugar water, which is a reward for them. They can learn to do this but what is more exciting is that they learn more efficiently if they watch a demonstrator bee; that’s social imitation and that shows all kinds of levels of sophistication about how you would want to copy something that someone’s doing and how and all kinds of other things. There are all kinds of stuff coming out about fruit flies making decisions and crickets learning all the time that I think do bear on this conversation and just the way that you suggested; packing a lot into a small brain.

Caryn Hartglass: Now I’m jumping around because you talked about this social imitation and I was reading later in your book, I’m trying to remember, was it with pigs? How they were easily trained when a human trained them but they didn’t learn from each other for some of the social things that they were trying to be taught.

Barbara J. King: Oh I think you might be thinking about goats possibly.

Caryn Hartglass: Oh! It was goats. Yes.

Barbara J. King: Yes goats are very smart. This is sort of the time period where there’s a goat meme, a goat flare up, a goat troupe going on in our country where everybody wants now little cute goats. You know how that goes.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes.

Barbara J. King: People get very interested in having pets for a while and then it doesn’t become so interesting anymore. But what I wanted to do is really look at the science and the book of course is based in science of goat cognition and it’s quite surprising. As you know I’m sure goat is an extremely popular meat globally.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes.

Barbara J. King: And again it’s one of those things where it’s easy to fall into a trap for some people of going along with the stereotype of goats. This sort of satanic of dopey or over-sexed; pick whatever stereotype and in fact when I was learning and reading about them I was very moved by what they’re able to do in terms of reflection and in terms of learning how to open let’s say very complicated fruit boxes. This was carried out at Buttercup Sanctuary in Kent, England. A complicated set of steps that they could remember how to do after 311 days which is a quite prodigious memory. In fact they did not very much pay attention to each other. They didn’t pay attention in terms of social learning as I just described for the bees but that’s just their species’ specific way of learning so it doesn’t make them any less smart it’s just the way they go about things.

Caryn Hartglass: It doesn’t make them any less smart and every species has their own special skills and knowledge and understanding but I was just kind of fascinated that the bees which we would think not necessarily correctly or smartly or so far less intelligent then we are would be able to do something that a goat didn’t do.

Barbara J. King: Yes and I’m glad that you said that a goat didn’t do because I think that these experiments tap into some of the social organizations and natural evolved tendencies of these animals. As a person who studies monkeys and apes for a long time I can tell you that a lot of primates that don’t use tools in the wild will do so under certain circumstances experimentally, in other words they have the capacity even when they don’t necessarily show the behavior. So I would be interested in knowing under what circumstances goats might do that and that I don’t know has been done. But you’re right the part of the joy of writing this book was delving into animals that I had had an inadequate understanding of. The octopus is another; an invertebrate. An off the charts smart invertebrate. So when this group of scientist got together in 2014 and devised the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness; urging us to think about how many animals in our world are conscious and reflective. They included the octopus which is now the poster animal for invertebrates because they use tools, they reflect on what they are doing, they can solve problems in ways that so many of us just dismissed for so long because an octopus you look at it and it’s hard to necessarily see what we can see in a mammal that we are used to be looking at or a bird. But an octopus, whatever he or she does is clearly based in a lot of sophistication.

Caryn Hartglass: There are many wonderful stories in here some of them are just stories from animals that end up in sanctuaries and are protected, some of them become companion animals and then some are raised in results from different scientific studies that have gone on and they are all fascinating. I imagine that setting up a scientific study to be able to determine whether a species is doing something or is aware of something; I imagine that’s an incredibly complicated task.

Barbara J. King: Well, I think back to the book that I did about grieving that you mentioned in your introduction; “How Animals Grieve.” People would push back which is a good thing. We want to have a dialog that’s how science proceeds and ask me perhaps I was anthropomorphically projecting what I wanted to see in other animals because clearly I’m an animal lover. I want to see animals as smart and intelligent but my answer to that is; right we don’t know what an animal is thinking but if we look very carefully say an animal has lost a partner, a friend, a relative and we know something about that animal in its normal behavior before this loss and then we compare the before to the after. Again the animal itself is telling us something that I believe can be translated into a statement about its expression of emotions and this of course goes way back to Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin wrote fascinatingly about the prodigious emotional expression of animals so it’s possible to do this. I believe scientifically, carefully, and conservatively. So elephants of course are the touchstone in breeding because we know. We can see it so clearly when an elephant matriarch dies and others, come stand vigil or rock in a distressed way over the body or socially withdraw and don’t eat and that for elephants clearly seems to be grief. It would be hard-pressed to call it anything different. Then you get to know other animals and look at what their behaviors are after a death. Of course in some cases there is indifference. There’s complete neglect of the body and indifference so animals differ from one another just like we do but I truly think that the clues are there to look at.

Caryn Hartglass: Absolutely! You covered in addition to insects and pigs and fish, chickens and cows and chimpanzees. You mentioned about chickens. I’ve heard numerous chicken stories just how wonderful and loving they can be. Karen Davis has shared many through her organization. But you also included that one chicken in particular who had been bullied. When her aggressor became blind the chicken was able to take out her anger back on her bully.

Barbara J. King: Yes I did this for a very specific reason and that is I don’t think it does any of us any good to romanticize animals. I live with what feels like an astonishing number of rescued cats and sometimes we have cats that act meanly to each other. They’re good animals but they sometimes are in a bad mood or just feel like being obnoxious and that’s the way that some animals can sometimes be even when they’re basically very loving. There’s also the different personality and sometimes you get a chicken that is just not a very nice chicken. And what I think that does is it further reinforces the fact that these animals do have personalities, that they do have their own lives that they get up every day, they want to live, and they want to have a good day right? They don’t want a bad day and sometimes they have bad days so there are lots of stories in the book of compassion and kindness but there is other end of the spectrum too on occasion and that’s being alive right? That’s what it means to a complicated individual or a set of individuals.

Caryn Hartglass: Well when we see other species that isn’t always very nice to their own. Does that make it ok that we are not nice to our own sometimes?

Barbara J. King: Oh well I thought you were going to ask me does it make it ok that we’re not nice to other animals? One question that I frequently get is; why isn’t it ok for me to eat a chicken when of course animals kill and eat each other all the time. Well, I would say in 2 parts; I’m not instructing anyone what to eat or not to eat. I don’t eat chickens and I will never eat a chicken ok but to me that’s a very false equivalence because we never evolved specifically to eat meat. We did eat meat in our evolutionary past but part of the result of eating meat in our evolutionary past is that we have an abundantly complicated brain that allows us to take into account ethics and compassion in ways that I don’t think other animals do. So I think the answer is no, it’s not ok to treat each other badly, it’s not ok to treat other animals badly and let’s take the fact that evolution has gifted us these brains and use them in some ways that make sense. We don’t say that we all want to live in the way that we evolved as human beings thousand and millions of years ago. We don’t wish to recreate the society that we came from. So in the same sense we need to be on a different trajectory and think differently about the who that we are eating rather than the what.

Caryn Hartglass: Absolutely the who that we are eating. I’m glad that science is moving along. It’s starting to open up and change perceptions of other species but I’m just thinking some of the things we already talked about in terms of humanity. We all have a wide vast range of skill sets depending on who we are, where we’ve grown up, what time period we’ve grown up in and what part the world we’re in and some of us adapt very naturally to some things where others of us don’t and when we talked about those particular goats that didn’t learn socially very well and the bees did. Maybe if we conducted similar experiments on humans we’d see that some were able to do things that other’s weren’t, that makes it really complicated I imagine.

Barbara J. King: Well I think as an anthropologist, I would want to underscore in a population level we don’t expect to find differences in learning and intelligence because of course that gets into the battle of colonial past. So there is a common human capacity for learning and intelligence. What of course changes the trajectory are different individual life experiences and choices and resources and opportunities and I think that probably plays into this question in a large way.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes, well there is so much we will not know for a very long time about all of those other species but we’re starting to dig. So let’s take a moment, I want to talk about chicken potpie. You mentioned that there are some foods that you still miss and you haven’t been able to find a good chicken pot pie that’s made with a plant chicken.

Barbara J. King: Oh do you have a good recommendation for me?

Caryn Hartglass: I probably could make it for you but I’m just wondering what is it about the chicken potpie in your memory that hasn’t been satisfied?

Barbara J. King: Yes, well I think it is probably far more than just the taste and the texture but a very cultural experience and of course as I said I don’t eat chicken anymore and I just think of this as a comfort food if you will.

Caryn Hartglass: Sure.

Barbara J. King: A food that made me feel secure I would eat with family or loved ones. It just was for a number of years my go to food when I needed to feel secure, safe and loved and now I have different go to foods that don’t involve chicken but I think part of the reason I brought that up is because change; I’m certainly not telling you something that you don’t know. I’m learning a lot on this question from animal activist and vegan activist is how hard it can be to get people to think differently. Whenever I write or PR my books or elsewhere about here’s an intelligent chicken or here look at what this pig did and this is so cool. The jokes come back inevitably about bacon and barbeque and it just sort of never ends and I really want to try to understand what is that impulse when one person is feeling deeply about an animal for someone else to do that or to say that. What is it about the way that food has taken on meaning for them that causes that and it’s something that I still struggle with.

Caryn Hartglass: You are not alone on that one. That’s the million-dollar question or the billion-dollar question. What makes each one of us tick and some people who appear so sensitive and compassionate still cannot connect the dots when it comes to the treatment of animals especially for food.

Barbara J. King: I have been describing myself as experimental. I experiment with new vegan cheeses and vegan milks and I eat almost all vegan and vegetarian meals now and this has been a change in recent years and so I do try to remember that some years ago I was in a very different position myself which I suppose it’s helpful to think about.

Caryn Hartglass: Absolutely, well I’ve been a vegan for almost 30 years and I’ve always found that the best way to get people interested in eating this way is to put delicious food in their mouth and that’s been part of my journey just creating wonderful delicious food that is vegan so people don’t feel like they are going to be deprived as their minds are opening up to the truth of what’s really going on. I was just curious about the potpie. I have wonderful memories of pot pie but mine were always made by Swanson and I’m imaging that the kind that I make today are such higher quality and better even without the chicken just because I’m making them by scratch.

Barbara J. King: Oh I have no doubt.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes, anyway I love talking about food. Great Barbara thank you so much for joining me today on It’s All About Food. Sorry for the technical difficulties at the beginning of the program. This is a great book “Personalities on the Play,” thanks for writing it.

Barbara J. King: Thank you so much Caryn! Bye Bye.

Caryn Hartglass: Okay, take care. That was Barbara J. King the author of Personalities on the Plate: The Lives and Minds of Animals We Eat. This is an excellent read for anyone, those who are vegan, vegetarian or omnivores. It’s written from a very open and safe point of view, non-judgmental and some really wonderful stories. Lovely!


Transcribed by M. Eng 5/19/2017


Caryn Hartglass: (exhales) Going to breathe now. Everyone, breathe. (inhales) It’s always important to be mindful of our breathing, isn’t it? Haven’t talked about breathing for a while. We all breathe for a living. Don’t forget that.

Before I bring on my next guest, I wanted to mention: we have lost another wonderful advocate for veganism just a couple of days ago. My friend and college George Eisman passed. He was a dietitian and an author of several wonderful books: The Most Noble Diet: Food Selection and Ethics back in 1994 and his Don’t Let Your Diet Add to Your Cancer Risk. He did a lot of great speaking all over the country and abroad, and I was fortunate enough to see him last October. I’m so sorry to hear about his passing. So, George, thank you for everything.

All right, I want to bring on part 2’s guest: Casey T. Taft. Dr. Casey T. Taft is Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and an internationally recognized researcher in the area of family violence prevention. Dr. Taft has published over one hundred peer reviewed scientific articles, chaired an American Psychological Association task force on trauma, and consulted with the United Nations on preventing violence and abuse globally. He has recently published two other books: Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy: A Clinical Psychology Perspective and Trauma-Informed Treatment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence. Dr. Taft is cofounder of Vegan Publishers and a dedicated vegan. Casey, hello!

Casey T. Taft: Hi, Caryn. How are you?

Caryn Hartglass: I’m great. I love talking to dedicated vegans, thank you for being a dedicated vegan. (laughs)

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) Sure. Also, I want to throw in there: we were very fortunate to publish George Eisman’s last book A Guide to Vegan Nutrition. We feel very honored to have that kind of distinction of carrying his book, getting to know him a little bit. We’re very sorry to hear the news about his passing as well.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes, indeed. What can we do? Just breathe.

Casey T. Taft: Right, right. (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: And feel, right. Anyway, he was such a great guy. He was on the board of the Nalith Foundation, a wonderful organization that supports many vegetarian or vegan non-profit organizations, and the Nalith Foundation has been a wonderful supporter since our inception of Responsible Eating and Living. George Eisman was a part of that.

Casey T. Taft: Ah. Wow. (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: Yeah, wow! Right? All right, Casey, let us talk about your book Millennial Vegan. Why did you write this book?

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) As a psychologist and also as owner of Vegan Publishers, I often hear from younger vegans. They often post on our pages, they send us emails, and they write about their struggles being vegan, perhaps among family members, loved ones who are not too accepting of their veganism. Or they write about how they’re being bullied by other folks in their schools, other places or online. It really kind of struck me that there aren’t really any kind of resources for younger vegans, for millennial vegans (between ages of 15-34).

So, to me, this was my kind of support to help younger vegans because frankly I’m in awe of younger vegans who go vegan, in spite of all the obstacles, all the brainwashing we all experience. For myself and a lot of folks I know, it took a lot longer for things to click for us and to really develop awareness. But younger vegans do it at an earlier age, and I just wanted to put something out there, to provide a resource for them.

Caryn Hartglass: Very nice. I don’t know if you caught any of my last interview with Barbara King, the author of Personalities on the Plate, but talking about the scientific studies observing other species and how they react to each other in their own natural surroundings makes me think of what a higher intelligence might observe watching humans react to each other in our own circle. (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) Yeah. Right, right.

Caryn Hartglass: I can’t imagine that it would really be impressive in some situations. I mean, the way we bully each other and respond to each other is really not something to be proud of, but it’s important to have an awareness and skills to manage through that. So that’s why your book is important.

Casey T. Taft: Right. Yeah. Well, my main job is a psychologist, and I develop programs to prevent violence and to work with people who engage in violence. That is one of my specialty areas, so I did want to make sure that I touched on bullying and touched on abuse so people can recognize when they’re experiencing it or even if they’re engaging in it, and do something to stop it.

Caryn Hartglass: Now you mentioned that you’re—I forget the words that you used exactly, awe, whatever words you used about younger people who choose to go vegan. I said this before on this program: sometimes I think it’s easier for younger people to make this change. They haven’t been around so long; they haven’t had a big history of eating animals for as long.

I know for myself I started on the vegetarian path when I was fifteen years old. I didn’t want to eat animals. But a part what gave me the strength was just wanting to be contrary. (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: I can get a sense of that. I think it’s different for everybody.

Caryn Hartglass: It is.

Casey T. Taft: A lot of young people though, they’re really struggling with a lot of things. They’re struggling with their own identities. Many young people nowadays are struggling to find a job, to get out of student loan debt, to deal with all of the problems previous generations have sort of created in some ways.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes.

Casey T. Taft: In some ways, millennials really have it pretty bad relative to prior generations, economically and in other ways. For me, to deal with all of that and to still have the awareness to go vegan is impressive.

I know for myself when I was younger, I felt like I was too screwed up to make a change like that. I felt like I needed to get my life in order, figure things out, and get a firmer footing before I could make any kind of change. I think I knew at a younger age it was wrong to do harm to animals, to eat them and use them in various ways. On some level I knew, but I think I pushed it out of my awareness because I thought on another level maybe I wasn’t ready to deal with that. Because I was just trying to get my life together.

Caryn Hartglass: Yeah. I do know that people can be pretty mean. I was in my late teens, early twenties, and my brother-in-law at the time was ruthless when we would all sit down for a family meal, bombarding me with questions. He was a lawyer (chuckles) and I know he was putting me under this grilling—that’s an interesting term to use when we’re talking about food—asking me all of these intense questions. And I had to speak up for myself. It was a really challenging time. So that’s why your book is important.

You know, I’m a tough cookie. I’m a strong person, and I don’t mind being in the midst of controversy. But for a lot of people it is hard, especially when there are so many other challenges.

It’s challenging too for adults. Another friend of mine (also a lawyer who is vegan) has had a really hard time in business being upfront when at a conference or at a lunch when they bring in food, to just speak up and say, “I need to eat this food and not this food. Can you make sure it’s here for me?”

Casey T. Taft: Yeah, and I think that’s true. The book could apply to any generation really. Most of it is how to communicate effectively, in general.

Caryn Hartglass: Exactly.

Casey T. Taft: When I’ve given talks on the book, I do have older folks who come and they get really active in the discussion. They talk about the struggles they have with communicating with their family members and navigating all these different kinds of situations. So it’s not only relevant for younger people. Even for myself, as an older adult, I’ve had to deal with all kinds of issues and, as a trained psychologist; I’ve still had difficulties communicating with loved ones.

Caryn Hartglass: (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: So I certainly think this can apply to folks from any age group.

Caryn Hartglass: As I mentioned, I got on this path as a teenager and my parents were not thoroughly supportive. They let me do what I wanted to do; they gave me a lot of pushback. But I know it’s hard for many today, especially in high school or junior high school when the child is not the person buying the food or preparing the food. It can make it really, really challenging.

We have a transcription program where we have volunteers transcribe these radio programs like the one that we’re doing right now. It will be transcribed shortly. Sometimes I have high school students transcribe, and they share the same information that they want to be vegan.

Casey T. Taft: Right.

Caryn Hartglass: But they’re living at home, they can’t prepare their meals, shop for their meals. And it’s hard.

Casey T. Taft: Yeah. I hear those stories a lot. People message me about their situations fairly often, and it really is kind of heartbreaking where you have a younger person who really doesn’t want to do harm to animals and they feel like they don’t have a choice because they have no control over the food that they’re eating. It really is hard for them and I can’t imagine what that would feel like. You have a really, really strong moral conviction not to do harm to animals and yet you feel like you have no other choice but to consume them. That must be really hard.

Caryn Hartglass: Yeah. Now you also have a section on how it’s lonely being vegan.

Casey T. Taft: Right.

Caryn Hartglass: I think it really depends on where you are. I imagine in some locations that’s really a lot lonelier than some other places. Fortunately, with social media, we have the opportunity to find like-minded people anywhere on the planet these days.

Casey T. Taft: Right, true, true. One can also feel lonely if you’re surrounded by people.

One form of loneliness that I often hear about is when the one is with people that they care about and people they perhaps their own lives they’ve been able to share how they’re growing; how they’re changing; how they’re evolving; their interests; what’s important to them; and then, all of a sudden, they’re going vegan and they want to share it with people they care about, and they get this kind of pushback. And they feel like nobody really wants to hear about it. In fact, sometimes just by our presences as vegans, some people get really defensive around us and feel like they have to defend themselves. Or defend eating animals or what have you. That can be alienating too.

Although for some folks, when they feel alienated or lonely when they share the message of veganism with loved ones, they try to share with other people what they’ve learned about harm they do to animals. And the other person who they know to be otherwise kind, compassionate, and caring, they’re totally non receptive to the message. That can also be really alienating.

So there’s lots of ways we can feel isolated and alienated, even if we do have other vegans around us. It certainly helps. The more vegan community we can build for ourselves in social media and all that does help, but it still can feel lonely when the people you care most about or you’re closest to—where you feel like they’re rejecting you or rejecting your message.

Caryn Hartglass: You brought up two different instances (chuckles) that I want to bring up and what we can do in those different situations. I really appreciated them because they happen all the time. I don’t quite remember the two.

Number one is somewhat positive. So you’re eating with your family or you’re in a restaurant, and the non-vegan person, non-vegetarian person is trying to help you in your selections or is aware of your eating differences and is making a point to bring that out. Their awareness of what you’re eating. Now, that’s a good thing, right? That sensitivity.

Casey T. Taft: Oh yes.

Caryn Hartglass: I know sometimes it can be frustrating when I’m eating in a restaurant—like when somebody says, “Oh, look. You can have this on the menu. You can have this on the menu.” (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: Right, right.

Caryn Hartglass: You can read the menu too, but they feel the need to be helpful. Is there any good way to respond to that?

Casey T. Taft: When somebody is kind of positively showing understanding for your veganism—letting other people know that you appreciate that; when they do kind things for you; when they make you a vegan meal; or if they have a vegan gathering without animal products—I think it’s important in our relationship to not only let other people know when we’re unhappy about things, but also to point out the positives things people do for us.

That’s something we do a lot in couples therapy and family therapy where we try to work to show other people that we recognize when they do something nice for us. The more we pay attention to that, the more we let other people know that we noticed that, the more nice things that they’re going to do. You’re kind of reinforcing those positive behaviors.

Caryn Hartglass: Yeah, I could do more of that. When somebody is pointing out on a menu what I can eat, I have this reaction like, “I can see what’s there!” (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: But I need to make an effort to be more encouraging, thankful, and appreciative for their concern.

Casey T. Taft: Right.

Caryn Hartglass: The other one is kind of the opposite, that is when people are—like you said—defensive. So you could be at a restaurant or you could just meet someone and they find out about what you eat, and the reaction is, “Oh, I don’t eat a lot of meat” or “I don’t consume a lot of dairy” or “I only do this.”

Casey T. Taft: Right, right.

Caryn Hartglass: As a psychologist, what’s happening?

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) Well, what I think what is happening is that they’re experiencing some level of guilt and shame. Because we as vegans are really walking reminders of the harm other people do to non-human animals. (chuckles)

I think people have some general awareness that they’re eating dead animals, that they’re the creation of animals. I think they know that these animals are harmed in some way, but they find different ways to push it out of their awareness. But we are direct reminders of the harm that they do, so we can bring out these kinds of shame responses simply by saying that we’re vegan. Oftentimes, the more strongly we aggregate for animals, the stronger the shame responses are.

I typically argue that we should be mindful of how we’re engaging in animal advocacy, where we shouldn’t be name-calling or the really aggressive labeling of other people. Because that really heightens their shame response, and it makes it pretty much impossible that they’re going to listen to anything that we have to say.

On the other hand, we should not shy away from talking about the harm we do to animals. We shouldn’t shy away from speaking out for our animals. Some people are going to have the shame response no matter what we do. We have to keep in mind that we’re not responsible for their actions. They’re the ones who are ultimately responsible for their own feelings.

Caryn Hartglass: All the things you’re saying, especially this one, applies to everything, not just veganism.

Casey T. Taft: Right. (chuckles) Exactly, yes. You’re going to hear that a lot. A lot from psychologists, I’m sure.

Caryn Hartglass: Yes. A lot of the advice that you bring up the book, managing relationships—all the advice that you give will work in dealing with your food choices. These are classic concepts in navigating relationships.

Casey T. Taft: Exactly.

Caryn Hartglass: You mentioned dating vegetarians and being in a romantic relationship with someone who might not eat the same way you do. A few decades ago, I could have done that. I don’t think I could do it today unfortunately. I live with a wonderful man who is vegan.

Casey T. Taft: That’s good.

Caryn Hartglass: So we’re very happier. We both love to cook and we make great food. (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: Yes. (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: Not everybody is as lucky. (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: Right, exactly. (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: But, when you eat differently, that can magnify the problems you already have in communication.

Casey T. Taft: That’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I think that’s true. Also, like you’re suggesting, I could never date a non-vegan either. I’m married as well to a vegan.

But it’s hard to imagine being with somebody who has such a fundamental, different point of view ethically. Unless that person is open-minded and they’re willing to consider changing or they’re to change, grow, or evolve in some way, I think that would be really difficult. I do hear a lot of stories from vegans who are with a non-vegan, and they just decide at some point that they just can’t do it anymore because it kind of goes against their fundamental ethical belief. That really is difficult. I think it’s more challenging where folks who were non-vegan, they weren’t vegan when they started dating, and then one person changes and the other person doesn’t. That gets more complicated because they have differences in their expectations for their relationship. But it’s really difficult for a lot of couples to navigate these differences, for sure.

Caryn Hartglass: Outside of this wonderful book, your bio says that you’re a Professor of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine. Do you have an opportunity to do any vegan proselytizing while you’re working at the university?

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) That’s a good question.

Caryn Hartglass: (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: To be honest, not too much. I’m primarily a clinical researcher, so I run groups. I run clinical trials. A lot of what I do is really working with patients and working with folks in my own lab and colleagues. So these conversations come up a little bit with my colleagues, but I’m not ever in front of a large group of students giving lectures about veganism.

Unfortunately, at this point of my career, my animal activism and my day job toward preventing violence towards humans, that of non-humans, are sort of separate. And I’m still trying to think of ways to bring it together because I do think all forms of violence and oppression are linked in various ways. So I would like to bring it together. I have actually started working on another book that does bring it together, more about how we can prevent all forms of violence. But in my day-to-day job, I mostly focus on how I can end domestic violence. Then when I get home, I focus on how we end violence towards non-human animals.

Caryn Hartglass: (chuckles) Dealing with the violence in a human relationship is a very real challenge. Humans can be violent and, yeah, we see it with how we treat other species. But we treat our own selves so grueling. We’re violent against our loved ones, and we’re violent against ourselves.

Casey T. Taft: Right. Yeah, yeah.

Caryn Hartglass: How do we fix that? How do you treat that, Casey?

Casey T. Taft: How do you treat violence?

Caryn Hartglass: How do you treat that, yeah. (chuckles)

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles) That’s a tough—well, I can come up with a fast answer for that. I have written a book about that. What I found to be the most effective way to reach people is you have to—just like in animal advocacy—help somebody want to change. You have to figure out their terms in their readiness for changing and work with them to decide to make that change. To come up with a clear goal to change.

Just like in our animal advocacy, when I’m trying to get somebody to end their violence, I actually listen. I make an effort to listen to them and their stories. I listen to their history of trauma, and I have them tell their story. Once they tell their story and whatever they have experienced—most of the people I have worked with have been abused. They have experienced various forms of trauma. Once they feel like you listen to what they have to say, then they listen to what I have to say. And they’re more likely to join with me in ending various forms of violence and abuse.

So I think listening is a big part of it. Dealing with trauma is a big part of it. Helping them to make goals is a big part of it. Then teaching them really specific strategies for once they decide to make the change, how are they going to go about doing it. I wrote a book on this general idea that’s applied to animal advocacy called Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy, which I think the general rules for change and how we help other people change really are fairly consistent with whether we’re talking about animal advocacy or ending other forms of violence.

Caryn Hartglass: Casey Taft, thank you for all of that and thank you for being the kind, intelligent, sensitive person you are with humans. And with non-humans.

Casey T. Taft: (chuckles)

Caryn Hartglass: Which I think all of us appreciate the work that you’re doing. And for writing Millennial Vegan. Thank you for joining me in It’s All About Food today.

Casey T. Taft: Awesome. Thank you for having me. It was great.

Caryn Hartglass: Yeah. We’re just about out of time, so I wanted to thank you for joining me. And that was Casey T. Taft, author of Millennial Vegan: Tips for Navigating Relationships, Wellness, and Everyday Life as a Young Animal Advocate.

I wanted to remind you that coming up this Saturday is the beginning of The Food Revolution annual summit, and I’m a part of that, as I have been for the last years, offering up new recipes every day of the summit. It’s a nine-day event, it’s free. If you visit, you can sign up and register. It’s an amazing event. If you can’t listen in the morning when the interviews are aired, they are available for the whole twenty-four hours. Check it out.

It’s also Tuesday. All my shows are on Tuesday, but I just wanted to highlight that for those of you who are into Taco Tuesday. We have a Tasty Tempeh Taco Tuesday “Meat”! It’s a plant-based meat, of course, but it’s a wonderful recipe and you can find that that too on

Whew! Well, look at that. Here we are, and it’s the end of another It’s All About Food show. Thank you so much for joining me. You can always find me at and email me at I love hearing from you. Thanks for listening, and remember: have a delicious week.

Transcribed by HT, 5/23/2017

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