Category: Ask A Vegan

Episode #110: School Lunches, Exercise Programs, Counting Calories, FTC Green Guides

The following articles and topics were covered in this 110th episode: No Appetite for Good-for-You School Lunches Do Exercise Programs Help Children Stay Fit? GOP bill would repeal Agriculture Dept. calorie caps on school lunches What’s wrong with counting calories. FTC Issues Revised “Green Guides” Will Help Marketers Avoid Making Misleading Environmental Claims F.T.C. Issues…

Episode #105: Egg yolks, Food Safety, Semantics, Cheese, GF Yeast Bread

In this show I discuss the new article Egg Yolk Consumption and Carotid Plaque in the Atheriosclerosis Journal, the Center for Food Safety Lawsuit Targeting FDA along with the infectious disease outbreaks being reported by the Center For Disease Control and Prevention. Inspired by a listener’s comments I talk a bit about semantics. Based on…

Episode #103: Food System Regulation, Weight Status, Blood Tests

Today’s show began with a discussion about regulation. Does our food system need more or less or? I review the “surprising” results of the new Pediatrics report “Weight Status Among Adolescents in States That Govern Competitive Food Nutrition Content”, published online August 13, 2012. Also I present some information on blood tests and things New…

Episode #102: Yes to Labeling!

Prop. 37 is coming up for a vote in California and I talked about the importance of voting “Yes” and who is willing to put in lots of cash to get you to vote “No.” After prerecording an IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD interview with Jenny Brown I spoke a bit about her new book LUCKY…