What Vegans Eat – Day 1220


Breakfast: I got to bed late and in the morning I tried to sleep in but couldn’t. I got up and made some tea. I noticed that I did not feel anything, no headache, no fatigue. I felt good. And I had drank a lot of wine at Blossom on Columbus for the wine-tasting event last night! That’s a good sign. I will look for those wines again.
Lunch: I had a lot to do at my mom’s house, as usual. I was hoping to get a few tasks checked off on the way to her house but did not leave soon enough and a service guy was coming to fix her toilet, for the fifth time! This time I was going to be there and tell him what needed to be replaced. While waiting for “the guy” I made a lot of soup for mom, the usual kind I make for her with Onions, Carrots, Celery, Potatoes, Frozen Corn, Garlic Powder, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Caraway Seeds and Herbes de Provence. I asked mom to make the salad. I warmed up some frozen Edamame. We had lunch on the patio and invited her neighbor.

Mom served us Pineapple for dessert. When “the guy” came he did not agree with my diagnosis but made the change and the toilet was fixed. I felt pretty good about that.
Dinner: Back at home, working on clearing out the freezer, refrigerator and pantry I cooked some Purple Sweet Potatoes with a few Field Roast Frankfurters I found in the freezer. Gary laughed at me when he heard! Those dogs had been in the freezer a while. I served it with a Green Salad with Red Pepper Turmeric Dressing.

Gary wrote me and said:
My food today was good but it wasn’t very interesting— Oats for breakfast, Green Juice for lunch, etc. It certainly has not been as interesting as what you’ve been eating. I want to say that the Blossom meal you had yesterday looked incredible.
Dinner — About the most interesting thing I made all day was beans and rice topped with my homemade almond ricotta. It’s your ricotta recipe: I soaked the almonds (about a cup) for a couple of days and then I skinned the almonds and blended them with a little almond milk. Delicious. I slathered it all over my Kidney Beans, Brown Rice, Sautéed Arugula and garnished the whole mess with some Nutritional Yeast and a splash or two of Sririacha Sauce.


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