What Vegans Eat – Day 1389


Breakfast: This morning I was motivated. I wanted to make Socca. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with them. When I finished making them I didn’t want to prepare anything else. We decided we’d save the Socca for dinner. Still I wanted a savory breakfast. I picked the one that was already ready. I heated up yesterday’s soup.

While waiting I finished yesterday’s kale salad.

Dinner: Tonight we feasted. Gary made our Brown/Red/Black rice blend, Pinto Beans, Salsa and a Tahini/Miso/Nutritional Yeast cheesy Sauce. I was so hungry I stuffed my socca wraps too full to roll them. It was fun.

We both noticed that the Socca was especially delicious. Normally we use Bob’s Red Mill Garbanzo Bean flour which is not organic. I recently spent the extra cents to get this brand of organic garbanzo bean flour from Namaste. There is no going back. It’s so good.

Evening: When asked if I want a smoothie is, “Oh yes!” Gary made a Blueberry/Kale/Coconut Smoothie that was just right for the end of the day.


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