First Meal: After our grocery shopping yesterday at the Staff of Life Market, I was envisioning making a smoothie with a couple of the gorgeous bunches of organic Lacinato Kale we purchased. Gary picked up an inexpensive blender to use while staying at his dad’s house. Since it’s not a Vitamix that laughs at anything you put in it, I carefully chopped the kale before blending it with water. Then I added Bananas and finally frozen organic Blueberries. The blender did a pretty good job. It was not as smooth as we are used to but that gave us the opportunity to do the necessary chewing in the mouth before swallowing.
Gary made a gorgeous display of the organic Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Bananas, Plantains and Pears we purchased yesterday. Still life!
Second Meal: Lunchtime was easy with leftovers – organic Polenta with Marinara, organic Brown Rice Pasta with organic Peas and Cashew Cheese Sauce.
Don’t forget that big Salad, at least once a day. Tossed with Tahini Dressing and Olives is how I like it best.
Third Meal: While Gary was away at his evening rehearsal I made sure to prepare a late dinner for when he returned. We had organic Guacamole, organic Black Beans topped with Marinara seasoned with Madras Curry, organic Corn Tortillas, organic grilled Plantains and the sweetest yellow-white flesh Sweet Potatoes we have ever eaten. They are like candy.