Breakfast: I am on a mission to finish some projects that have lingered on my list. And it’s hot and I don’t like to use the air conditioning very much. I am not as hungry in the heat and I am craving the simplest of foods. This morning I ate sliced tomatoes, cauliflower and dipped them in Little Seed Caesar Dressing. Gary made the dressing before he left on his trip and I am surprised that it is still good. (Or as we like to say at home, “still anymore good.”)
When eating simply, fresh produce explodes with flavor. The organic, ripe, locally grown tomatoes tickled my tongue – they tasted tart and salty.
I prepared a pot of Bai Mu Dan white tea that I sipped on all day. I recently discovered I was spelling my tea names incorrectly, writing Bai Mu Don instead of Bai Mu Dan as well as using Gemancha instead of Genmaicha! Live and learn.
Lunch: There was a container of cooked pears with figs in the refrigerator. I decided to try something different and made Sweet and Smoky Beans.
Daily Green Juice: I like to eat a little fat when I have my green juice to help absorb the fat soluble vitamins. I sipped on this juice made with Collards, Celery, Lime, Carrots and Ginger and enjoyed a few cashews with it.
Dinner: I had another bowl of my new recipe, Sweet and Smoky Beans while I steamed some sweet potatoes and white potatoes. I munched on the potatoes late into the evening.