What Vegans Eat – Day 632


Breakfast: Should we have Buckwheaties again today? No, Gary thought he would make Oatmeal. But remembering we had freshly made Almond Milk he decided Cold Rolled Oats would be best and I agreed. We had it with Apples, Bananas, Walnuts, Flax Seeds and Shredded Coconut. It was a big bowl of pure deliciousness. I made Bai Mu Dan White tea for me and Gary had Earl Grey.
I was recently given a Breville Tea Maker from my cousin Jeff. It had belonged to his wife Angi who left this world in 2014. Knowing I was a tea lover he had promised it to me last year. When we were in Florida last week Jeff presented me with it to take home. The tea maker now sitting on our counter is called Angi, so we can remember my cousin’s wife every day when we make tea. We like to name our hard drives and small appliances after people we have lost and loved, keeping their memory alive in our daily life. I just started using it. I love it! My Bai Mu Dan White Tea is now perfectly brewed.

Thank you, Jeff. Here is a picture of Jeff with his beautiful wife, Angi.
Lunch: Gary was at a rehearsal and I was home alone. I munched on some toasted Squash seeds and put another Squash in the oven to bake for dinner. Want to know how I make my squash? It is so complicated! No, really, there is nothing easier. I take an organic squash, like acorn or butternut and I rinse the outside. I put it on a baking sheet, whole and bake it at 400oF for one hour. I take it out and voila! Baked Squash, perfect every time. I let it cool for a few minutes and then carefully cut it open and remove the seeds. (Seeds may be rinsed and then toasted to eat later). If it is organic it will have plenty of tasty flavor without adding anything to it.
Daily Green Juice: Kale, Collards, Celery, Carrots
Dinner: Big food dinner with repeats from the last few days. We had Field Roast sausages, Chickpea Tomato Stew, Kale with Onions, Sauerkraut and Baked Squash.
Evening: Gary recreated the new herbal tea blend I made yesterday with Chamomile, Peppermint and Hibiscus and made a bowl of air pop since we were going to watch a movie. We selected The Man Who Knew Infinity, about the genius mathematician (and vegetarian) Srinivasa Ramanujan. It was a beautiful story.

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