Breakfast: Careful what you ask for! Gary asked me if I wanted some oatmeal for breakfast. I said, “Yes, just a small bowl.” He found the smallest dish he could find and served me my “small bowl”. There’s a story we tell in my family about when I was really young. My mom put some mashed potatoes on my plate and I wanted more. I was told I could have more if I finished what was on my plate. That seems logical to me now, but not so much when I was about 3. I just kept screaming, “I want more mashed potatoes, I want more mashed potatoes.” No one remembers how that story ended, we just remember my temper tantrum. I learned my lesson. Today, I finished that “small bowl” of oatmeal and then helped myself to a larger “small bowl”.
Lunch: We had a Romaine Lettuce Salad and a variation of one of our blended Seeds and Vinegar dressings plus an “everything but the kitchen sink” soup. It consisted of the Split Pea Soup that Gary had made a few days before with the leftover Green Zenphony Stir Fried Pea Pod Leaves and fresh chopped Tomatoes and Red and Yellow Roasted Bell Peppers. It’s one of those satisfying, once in a lifetime soups, never to be quite the same, ever again.
Thanksgiving has come and gone this year. For those of us who like to cook, it can be a frustrating time if we don’t prepare the food because our favorite dishes won’t be there. I promised myself to make some of my favorite Thanksgiving dishes this week. I started with Pumpkin Pie.
Daily Green Juice: We indulged with green juices again from our neighborhood Ripe Juice Bar and Grill.
Dinner: We wanted pumpkin pie but it needed to chill. So Gary made Millet and a quick Cashew Cheese Sauce. This is our comfort food.