Category: It’s All About Food 2020

Hartglass & De Mattei, Protein and Lectins and Summer Grilling

  Hartglass & De Mattei, Protein and Lectins and Summer Grilling Tune in to Hartglass & De Mattei, The Swingin’ Gourmets, for another fun-filled episode of It’s All About Food. Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei return to the age-old question, “Where do you get your protein?” along with new ones like, “What about lectins?”…

Richard H, Schwartz, PhD, New Year for Animals

Richard H, Schwartz, PhD, New Year for Animals Richard H. Schwartz is the author of Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival, Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal our Imperiled Planet, and Mathematics and Global Survival, and over 250 articles and 25 podcasts at He is president…

Joel Dee & Alison Cox, No Monkey Business Here!

Joel Dee & Alison Cox, No Monkey Business Here! Joel Dee is CEO of Edward & Sons Trading Co. Inc., a vegetarian natural food company he founded in 1978. The youngest of three sons, Joel named his fledgling business after his father, Edward, the manufacturer of iconic Smarties candy. At a time when “natural convenience”…

Seth Tibbott, In Search of the Wild Tofurky

Seth Tibbott, In Search of the Wild Tofurky: How a Business Misfit Pioneered Plant-Based Foods Before They Were Cool Success doesn’t happen overnight. Except for Seth Tibbott, to whom it does—but only after fifteen years of intrepid failure. In Search of the Wild Tofurky tells the triumphant tale of how a self-described hippie with no…

Chase Purdy, Billion Dollar Burger

  Chase Purdy, Billion Dollar Burger Chase Purdy is a New York-based writer and author of Billion Dollar Burger, a narrative non-fiction book published by Penguin Random House that documents the rise of cell-cultured meat and the global race to get it to market. He’s also the voice behind Pluripotent, a newsletter on future foods…

Susan Hargreaves, Animal Hero Kids

Susan Hargreaves, Animal Hero Kids Author/Founder, travels the world celebrating, courageous and compassionate action by kids and teens. She infuses Animal Hero Kids with the passion, wisdom and determination acquired during a lifetime devoted to animal activism. By zeroing in on kindness education, Susan plays an essential role supporting, encouraging and empowering youth to build…

Hartglass & De Mattei, Bananaversary, Celebrating 14 years of Talking

Hartglass & De Mattei, Bananaversary, Celebrating 14 years of Talking Caryn Hartglass and Gary De Mattei cover a variety of topics include banana tea, new plant-based products made from banana skins, grapes and pineapple, new vegan chocolates, the demise of the dairy industry, banning glyphosate. They also share their celebration of 14 years together which…

Chef Ramses Bravo, Bravo Express

Part I: Chef Ramses Bravo, Bravo Express Part I: Chef Ramses Bravo, Bravo Express Chef Ramses Bravo is the executive Chef for True North Health in Santa Rosa California.  He is the creator of where you can find his online plant based cooking courses.  He is the author of Bravo and Bravo Express cookbooks.…