Category: BLOGS

What Vegans Eat – Day 1017

It’s Thanksgiving Day. We had not made any plans for this day since dad was ill and we didn’t know what was going to happen. Since he died yesterday morning no one in the family was in the mood to celebrate. Tomorrow is the funeral and burial and people will be coming over my parents’…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1016

The day began early. Gary and I were both in reclining chairs at the hospital in my dad’s room. Dad was on a morphine drip now, not really conscious. We were planning on sleeping by his side. I dozed off and woke up around 1am after receiving a text from a friend. I watch my…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1015

Breakfast: Good morning! I spent the second night with my dad in the ICU. Gary joined me. I slept a little better than the night before in the recliner but Gary suffered. He put together a makeshift bed with two chairs and it wasn’t very comfortable. And speaking of comfort, the Family Comfort Cart arrived…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1014

Breakfast: It was rough spending the night in the hospital. I tried to get comfortable in the reclining chair one of the nurses brought me. There was a lot of activity and noise all during the night and I did not get much sleep. I left the hospital in the morning and went to my…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1013

Breakfast: Here we go again. My dad is still in the ICU. It looks pretty clear that he will not be coming home. It’s a difficult time. After a needed night’s sleep, I got up, had my breakfast and went back to the hospital. I went with the cold version of yesterday’s breakfast: Rolled Oats,…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1012

Breakfast: You’ve heard it said, “Breakfast is the most important meal.” Personally, with our irregular schedule, breakfast is important but it doesn’t always come in the morning. We eat when we are hungry and sometimes the hunger comes around lunchtime. Anyway, focusing on my dad, spending all day in the hospital, meals have not been…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1011

Breakfast: I woke at my parents’ home and got ready for another day at the hospital. I am so grateful for Rolled Oats. It is an easy breakfast that keeps me nourished for a long time. Mom had defrosted some frozen Strawberries a few days ago. They are so good this way, sweet and syrupy.…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1010

Breakfast: My dad spent the night at the hospital. I was planning on going back to the hospital as soon as I could. I called my dad at 9am. He didn’t answer the phone. I left a message telling him I would be there soon. I was scrambling to get some work done before I…

What Vegans Eat – Day 1009

Breakfast: I had made a decision to get my dad to his doctor. The problem was, would he agree to go. He has been very weak for two weeks or more. Gary and I went together to my parents’ home. It was going to be a long day. When we got to the house I…