We’ve been sheltering in place here at Responsible Eating And Living Pandemic Headquarters for over 6 months. Last September seems long ago, the world has changed so much since then. We’ve been making the most of this surreal situation with a commitment to regular, vigorous exercise and eating organic nutritious food. We have not been to a restaurant in more than six months. Some have reopened here in New York City with outdoor dining and by the end of this month, restaurants can resume indoor service at 25% capacity. In the meantime, we have been satisfying our cravings by creating new recipes at home and sharing them on the REAL website.
Our hearts go out to all those who have been impacted by fires and hurricanes. We are experiencing extreme weather events more and more frequently. And yet we humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere that cause climate change. Ten years ago we aired an interview with Robert Goodland, who told us we could mitigate global warming, if everyone would reduce their consumption of animal foods. He authored the article Livestock and Climate Change with Jeff Anhang in the World Watch Magazine in 2009 and boldly stated that livestock and their byproducts account for 51 percent of annual worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. Others have debated the findings and estimated lower values but the point was made. Consuming livestock and their byproducts are damaging to the environment, to human health and contribute to global warming. Here at REAL, we want everyone to get off the animal. And we offer recipes to make it delicious!
REAL Vegan French Food
Visit the Responsible Eating And Living website for our newest recipes including a day of all French food in the What Vegans Eat blog, C’est Si Bon!. Our classic Buckwheat Crêpe is perfection, filled with homemade Cashew Yogurt, fresh berries and drizzled with Peanut Butter Cream. The French Onion Soup is another classic with melted almond mozzarella cheese, crusty bread (gluten-free), and a rich broth.
Food Freedom 2020
Six years ago, a groundbreaking new program was created by Susan Pierce Thompson, a professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Her expertise is in the neuroscience of food addiction, and she herself is in the top .01% of successful weight-loss maintainers. She was overweight in her teens and obese by her twenties, and now, for 17 years, she’s lived without excess weight…and with freedom around food. Over the past six years, tens of thousands of people have joined her program from 103 countries around the world, and the results are jaw-dropping. Peer-reviewed, scientific research from The Journal of Nutrition and Weight Loss shows that, on average, people lose dramatically more weight in her 8-week program (3 to 13 times more weight over a comparable period of time) than the published results from other online weight-loss programs. And they keep it off.
In this program people have been following a system that’s customized to how their brains work. They started their journey by learning one crucial piece of information about how their brain is wired—they took a 30-second quiz with only 5 questions, and the rest is history. This little piece of information may very well be the game changer that alters the course of the obesity epidemic forever.
If you are struggling to lose weight, take the quiz, find out how your brain is wired to respond to food, and watch the video explaining how you can use this information to finally find freedom around food.
Roll Your Own
We’ve been pressing lots of tortillas lately. Read our Tortilla Tutorial and get the recipes for Corn Tortillas, Sweet Potato and Cassava Tortillas and Potato Tortillas
IT’S ALL ABOUT FOOD has been broadcasting on the Progressive Radio Network since 2009, bringing you discussions on everything related to food and the food system, along with delicious recipes and tips for preparing meals at home. Below are some recent podcasts.
Timothy A. Wise, Failing Africa’s Farmers
Timothy A. Wise, author of Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food and contributor to the recent report: False Promises: The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), the new study that finds that this agricultural alliance has failed to achieve its own goals.
Hartglass & De Mattei, Humans! Eat For Your Lives.
Hartglass & De Mattei talk about humans as giants today, giants that are cruel to their victims, people and animals, including the upcoming tradition of Kapparot, where “religious” people swing chickens over their heads to transfer their sins and then slit the chickens’ throats.
Joel Dee & Alison Cox, No Monkey Business Here!
Edward & Sons Trading Company’s Joel Dee, CEO and Founder, and Alison Cox, VP of Sales & Marketing talk about the values behind the company and cover a variety of topics including sourcing the finest ingredients and partnering with reliable, ethical farmers, packers and food artisans to create their unique range of organic vegetarian specialties. They discuss the PETA investigation of monkeys being chained and abused to pick coconuts from trees in Thailand. Edward & Sons’ suppliers do not participate in this cruel system.
Seth Tibbott, In Search of the Wild Tofurky
Listen to this delightful conversation with the founder of Tofurky, Seth Tibbott about his new book, In Search of the Wild Tofurky: How a Business Misfit Pioneered Plant-Based Foods Before They Were Cool and other fun topics, like making tempeh at home.
Chase Purdy, Billion Dollar Burger
More on the cultured meat story with Chase Purdy, author of Billion Dollar Burger: Inside Big Tech’s Race for the Future of Food. What do you think of cultured meat, clean meat, cell meat, motherless meat? Are you ready to bite into one of these?
Susan Hargreaves, Animal Hero Kids
Susan Hargreaves, ANIMAL HERO KIDS Author/Founder, travels the world celebrating courageous and compassionate action by kids and teens. She infuses ANIMAL HERO KIDS with the passion, wisdom and determination acquired during a lifetime devoted to animal activism. By zeroing in on kindness education, Susan plays an essential role supporting, encouraging and empowering youth to build a more compassionate world for all animals.
Chef Ramses Bravo, Bravo Express
Chef Ramses Bravo discusses his cookbook Bravo Express with SOS-free delicious recipes (salt, oil and sugar-free). In Part II, Hartglass & De Mattei continue the conversation about SOS-free cooking and discuss some of the best REAL recipes for summer.
Ralph Nader, Family Cookbook, Classic Recipes from Lebanon and Beyond
Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate, lawyer, and author. Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph Nader has helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air, drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for more than four decades.
Joel K. Kahn, MD, Lipoprotein(a), The Heart’s Quiet Killer: A Diet & Lifestyle Guide
What do you know about Lipoprotein(a)? Have you been tested? If it is high you have a much greater risk of having a heart attack. Dr. Joel Kahn – America’s Healthy Heart Doc includes a protocol of things one can do to bring the lipoprotein(a) value and it’s effects down, reducing risk.
Vesanto Melina, MS, RD, The Kick Diabetes Cookbook
Having the right cookbooks can be a lifesaver, literally, especially for those who don’t cook. Got Type 2 diabetes? Time to kick it. Vesanto Melina talks about this cookbook she wrote with Brenda Davis, RD, which helps you kick diabetes deliciously.